Many mates I know are or rather have decided to major in Econs and I have nothing but respect for them. I don’t know how anyone can ever have patience with and for a subject like that. Econs was the bane of me in JC and I swore never to have anything to do with that subject ever again, then again I swore to never do maths after sec sch and still ended up doing it in JC and that too BY CHOICE. It was torture. Okay maybe I am overdoing it, after all I did get pretty decent grade for it. But still, like my darling most dear tutor {who had a special spot for “sha” ..wahaha..i was the only one he very sweetly nicknamed much to the disappointment of my other girls..hahahaha} said “Economics is simply common sense made complex” So to anyone who has or will be reading this in Uni “kudos” to you. You will always have me in awe :) That includes you shozidoo [winks}
Mer has asked me to go with her to catch a glimpse of the Heroes cast but I have declined for 2 reasons. Firstly because I have been traumatised after the Jay Sean
thingy. I have a phobia of stampedes :) Secondly and the most reasonable one would be that I have to visit my dance mate who recently become a mother..Whoooo Hoooo..I can’t wait to see the “little un”
I love my dogs…