My eldest bro is someone I honestly look up to in everyway possible. He’s everything you want to be{or at least I want to be} Intelligence{massive amount} ,charm{as proven by the number of gals who like to hang around him} and the softest heart hidden within the very manly front he personifies, did I mention he’s smart. He can strike up a conversation about anything under the sun and I mean absolutely anything. He’s also one of the reasons I completely “pooh –poohed” the idea of reading law at Uni despite my mom pushing me slightly in that direction. I can never do what he’s doing period. This does not mean I am complete crap and useless. I am completely aware of the upper hand I ALWAYS seem to have when it comes to having an argument with him .
The house is dreadfully quiet and there is no one I can nag or yell at.
Anyhoo,I wish him all the very BEST. Go break a leg etta! And if you are by any chance reading this{you are quite a snooper}, DO NOT mention about this to me because I’ll just feel really awkward and I’ll just delete this whole entry and go on a crazy rampage. And you know you don’t want to see that.
By the way I love my second brother equally as much. He’s at home a lot more so I don’t really get a chance to miss him. The 2nd is one lad that puts “awe” in “awesome”.
Recently read:
Born Confused by Tanuja Desai Hidier
LOVED it and it’s completely HILARIOUS.

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