Friday, January 11, 2008

I am absolutely disgusted with the way some educators behave and think. How can you write a student off, the very student you are supposed help?

Anyone who knows me well enough knows that the only grudge I hold against people is their constant need to classify/ label/ stereotype people. It’s especially saddening when all this starts at a very young age. I also don’t know when people are going to get that there is nothing wrong at all for someone to be in a normal stream. It doesn’t mean we are any less competent than anyone else. It just means we need a little more time and what the hell’s wrong with that?

Let me at this point add that there is nothing wrong with going to an ITE. They are as smart and sometimes even smarter than anyone else. I have a cousin who was from the technical stream and now in the ITE and trust me when I say his grasp of English and the way he speaks is FANTASTIC{better than us sometimes..}

I got a lot more to say but I best stop here.


Nothing beats watching Thalapathi{the best Indian movie ever} on a lazy Saturday afternoon…I hate aravind swamy for taking shobi : ) away from the hero…

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