Watching Supernanny makes me a tad bit angry sometimes. Why on earth do parents not slap their kids for calling them “you fat bitch”.I know I would.
Are having evil thoughts any superior than committing the very deed itself?
The way I look at it, both are equally undesirable. Like Rene Descartes very wisely said 'I think therefore I am’. The fact that we have consciously allowed such thoughts to develop makes us as guilty as someone who has physically carried out that thought. Whatever the mind can conceive, the will can achieve. As far as I am concerned, there is only a slight nuance of variation. It all comes down to physically carrying out “the” deed.
Actually, come to think of it takes more guts to actually perform the evil deed. No really, I mean the reason we think and not do a rather wrongful deed is simply {maybe not so simply} because we lack the courage to challenge our moral compass. More like fear of the ramification(s) prevents us from undertaking action. Cowardice in this case is a GOOD thing.
There’s always two ways of looking at things. A very simplified example would be the “glass halve empty or halve full” approach. You decide how you want to look at it.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Never again
I FINALLY got to read Night by Elie Wiesal. It is very hard for anyone who has not survived the Holocaust to relate and understand the essentials of his experiences and I honestly hope no one or no race ever goes through such excruciating torture. Never again.
This is a short excerpt form the preface
"For the survivor who chooses to testify, it is clear: his duty is to bear witness for the dead and for the living. He has no right to deprive future generations of a past that belongs to our collective memory. To forget would be not only dangerous but offensive; to forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time.
SOMETIMES I AM ASKED if I know “the response to Auschwitz”; I answer that not only do I not know it, but that I don’t even know if a tragedy of this magnitude has a response. What I do know is that there is “response” in responsibility. When we speak of this era of evil and darkness, so close and yet so distant, “responsibility” is the key word.
The witness has forced himself to testify. For the youth of today, for the children who will be born tomorrow. He does not want his past to become their future."
I also read the play Talaq by Elangovan and I can see why it created quite a{an unnecessary} stir .I must applaud the man’s audacity for writing and staging such a play. We need more creative individuals like him around.
I finally mustered enough courage to get contact lenses.My JC and close mates will know well enough about my issue with lenses so it is quite a shocker for them and myself too.
I decided to do something completely random with myself so I got my ears pierced for the second time. This is what happens when you become too bored ,you start thinking too much and too randomly.
And I have been itching to get myself tattooed after watching too much Miami Ink.My parents would probably go berserk{understatement} but Haha we’ll see how that comes along.
This is a short excerpt form the preface
"For the survivor who chooses to testify, it is clear: his duty is to bear witness for the dead and for the living. He has no right to deprive future generations of a past that belongs to our collective memory. To forget would be not only dangerous but offensive; to forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time.
SOMETIMES I AM ASKED if I know “the response to Auschwitz”; I answer that not only do I not know it, but that I don’t even know if a tragedy of this magnitude has a response. What I do know is that there is “response” in responsibility. When we speak of this era of evil and darkness, so close and yet so distant, “responsibility” is the key word.
The witness has forced himself to testify. For the youth of today, for the children who will be born tomorrow. He does not want his past to become their future."
I also read the play Talaq by Elangovan and I can see why it created quite a{an unnecessary} stir .I must applaud the man’s audacity for writing and staging such a play. We need more creative individuals like him around.
I finally mustered enough courage to get contact lenses.My JC and close mates will know well enough about my issue with lenses so it is quite a shocker for them and myself too.
I decided to do something completely random with myself so I got my ears pierced for the second time. This is what happens when you become too bored ,you start thinking too much and too randomly.
And I have been itching to get myself tattooed after watching too much Miami Ink.My parents would probably go berserk{understatement} but Haha we’ll see how that comes along.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
We owe alot more than we think..

So I have finished reading Listening to Letter from America by Kua Ee Hock and I thought the book was not too bad. It’s not bestseller material neither is it any where near P- Jeyaretnam’s literary standard but it’s a good read and I appreciate the book.
Honestly , I fear old age more than death. The whole idea of not being able to do what you used to do, visiting the doctor every other month, swallowing pills of every colour and every size is a very daunting thought for me. I mean of course not all old people end up like that. I have a grandaunt who is 91 this year, eats everything she wants with no restrictions and heck she even kicks my brother and my butt at scrabble {GOD bless her}
I think my greatest worry about growing old would have to be the fear of being lost and the feeling of being lonely. You look at the way technology is advancing, keeping up with it now itself is a major headache for us. Then there’s the whole issue of being resistant and reluctant to change. I was talking about this to a mate who dismissed everything I said. Apparently I am too young to be thinking about this and I think I agree with him. Anyways, Vasantam Central is airing a programme very appropriately titled Marantha Kathai{ translated:Forgotten stories}From the looks of the trailer I think it basically pays homage to our senior citizens who have also been responsible for shaping our nation in more ways than one. Yes I do watch vasantham and I am not ashamed to admit it unlike certain people who say they” don’t watch local programmes especially the Indian ones” I actually think local Indian drama productions are improving. At least you don’t see drug addicts, anjadi kuppehs and wailing overdramatic family members anymore..
I have too many things this month.
I just read TODAY ,SRT might be staging King Lear. It's time for an all "lity" outing again..Must go must go..
Happy birthday Vignesh! 14 already?!. Oh how I miss the cute little thumb sucking annoying prick.{smiles..}
Its off to SIA sports club tomorrow. I love swimming.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I see it feelingly
I love my dance girls. They are the best bunch of people to hang out with and we had a blast of a time yesterday. For once we really had the time and privilege to talk about things other than choreography and body aches. I look forward to next 3 days only because I know how fun it’s gonna get {smiles }A bunch of sari clad girls can cause more damage than you think{**winks**}
Speaking of dance, there’s been a lot of misapprehension over what really fusion and contemporary means.
Fusion is defined as
1. the act or process of fusing; the state of being fused.
2. that which is fused; the result of fusing: A ballet production is the fusion of many talents.
While contemporary is defined as
existing, occurring, or living at the same time; belonging to the same time: Newton's discovery of the calculus was contemporary with that of Leibniz.
2. of about the same age or date: a Georgian table with a contemporary wig stand.
3. of the present time; modern: a lecture on the contemporary novel.
There, now can people stop blindly using words especially when it comes to dance.
I just read in the papers that Amitabh Bachan will be playing Lear.
My reaction to be exact was ”NOOOOOOOOOOO”
Dad: ”what happened?”
Me: ”Amitabh bachan is going to play Lear”
Dad :”...and he’ll do a great job, he pulled off Black, playing a sad old man should be no problem”
Me:” First of all, I don’t think sad is a word you want to use to describe Lear and secondly Lear is too good a play to mess around with, you just cannot afford to Bollyify it. Thirdly, even if he plays Lear, who’s going to be Cordelia or Edgar or even Goneril? You cant have just anyone play those parts..”
Dad:” you leave that kind of brainstorming to the casting directors. Now just finish your breakfast.”
Out of all the lit texts I’ve done, I am extremely protective of Lear. It’s the most simple yet extremely complex text in nature. Every lit student’s best dream and worst nightmare in one play. It’s one heck of an emotional and intellectual rollercoaster ride too.
A:”There’s a reason to why I asked you to come volunteer. There’s more to be being a good dancer than just doing your item to perfection on stage and walking off .This is something you have to learn by yourself.”
How true..I am starting to see what she means.
Speaking of dance, there’s been a lot of misapprehension over what really fusion and contemporary means.
Fusion is defined as
1. the act or process of fusing; the state of being fused.
2. that which is fused; the result of fusing: A ballet production is the fusion of many talents.
While contemporary is defined as
existing, occurring, or living at the same time; belonging to the same time: Newton's discovery of the calculus was contemporary with that of Leibniz.
2. of about the same age or date: a Georgian table with a contemporary wig stand.
3. of the present time; modern: a lecture on the contemporary novel.
There, now can people stop blindly using words especially when it comes to dance.
I just read in the papers that Amitabh Bachan will be playing Lear.
My reaction to be exact was ”NOOOOOOOOOOO”
Dad: ”what happened?”
Me: ”Amitabh bachan is going to play Lear”
Dad :”...and he’ll do a great job, he pulled off Black, playing a sad old man should be no problem”
Me:” First of all, I don’t think sad is a word you want to use to describe Lear and secondly Lear is too good a play to mess around with, you just cannot afford to Bollyify it. Thirdly, even if he plays Lear, who’s going to be Cordelia or Edgar or even Goneril? You cant have just anyone play those parts..”
Dad:” you leave that kind of brainstorming to the casting directors. Now just finish your breakfast.”
Out of all the lit texts I’ve done, I am extremely protective of Lear. It’s the most simple yet extremely complex text in nature. Every lit student’s best dream and worst nightmare in one play. It’s one heck of an emotional and intellectual rollercoaster ride too.
A:”There’s a reason to why I asked you to come volunteer. There’s more to be being a good dancer than just doing your item to perfection on stage and walking off .This is something you have to learn by yourself.”
How true..I am starting to see what she means.
Monday, March 12, 2007
tu recuerdo
I have no freaking idea what the song is about. But who cares, I just like the way it sounds.
Ricky Martin Unplugged on MTV was super fun to watch. He’s got fantastic energy and the songs sounded great.{I use sounded because like I said I have no idea what he was singing}And of course he looks good.
I miss The office
I love Hallmark for airing the re-runs of ER .
What now Dr Ross?and what will my favourite Dr Carter do without his house?
I love ER..whoo hoo
I need to buy scrabble
By the way, I am still extremely bored..
Sunday, March 11, 2007
22 questions ,thanks to di
1)What are you doing?
Chatting with my primary school friend.Hi sen{**waves**}
2)Last meal you had?
Rice with chicken curry and Prawn sambal
3}The song you are currently listening to is
Rhagav’s So confused..
4}The last television programme you saw was
Tonight show with Jay Leno
5} The most recent movie you watched
Happy Feet{ there’s a lot more to it than dancing penguins}
6}Last time you laughed
2 hours ago at dance class
7)Do you believe in blind love ?
8}Utopian world,Extinct or in existence ?
Who you kidding.. Definitely extinct. Cynical I know but hey..
9}Last person to email you?
My secondary school teacher
10}Last person to text you?
11}Novels or poems?
Ooohh…tough one..erm I will have to go with poems.
12}One deceased celebrity you would like to meet
Anna Nicole Smith..hahaha.. ..
Seriously though I think, Margaret Tatcher
13}You love?
14)The last time you danced at a club
Bhangra night
15)Last alcohol drink
I don’t drink
16}You broke up with your ex because
The f***er was being such an ass
hahahaha.. I never had anyone to break up with..smiles
17}The last person you kissed
It’s not a person but if you really want to know it was my dogs
18)You miss
School..i want to go back to jc now!
19}In 2 years time you’ll be
20)The last time you were on stage and the next time you’ll be on stage
Seesh this is soo random..Last time erm..April 2006 and Next time would be May 2007.
21}Why this survey?
Because I AM BORED!
22}Parting words..
Erm..have a nice day and CROCS RULE!!
Chatting with my primary school friend.Hi sen{**waves**}
2)Last meal you had?
Rice with chicken curry and Prawn sambal
3}The song you are currently listening to is
Rhagav’s So confused..
4}The last television programme you saw was
Tonight show with Jay Leno
5} The most recent movie you watched
Happy Feet{ there’s a lot more to it than dancing penguins}
6}Last time you laughed
2 hours ago at dance class
7)Do you believe in blind love ?
8}Utopian world,Extinct or in existence ?
Who you kidding.. Definitely extinct. Cynical I know but hey..
9}Last person to email you?
My secondary school teacher
10}Last person to text you?
11}Novels or poems?
Ooohh…tough one..erm I will have to go with poems.
12}One deceased celebrity you would like to meet
Anna Nicole Smith..hahaha.. ..
Seriously though I think, Margaret Tatcher
13}You love?
14)The last time you danced at a club
Bhangra night
15)Last alcohol drink
I don’t drink
16}You broke up with your ex because
The f***er was being such an ass
hahahaha.. I never had anyone to break up with..smiles
17}The last person you kissed
It’s not a person but if you really want to know it was my dogs
18)You miss
School..i want to go back to jc now!
19}In 2 years time you’ll be
20)The last time you were on stage and the next time you’ll be on stage
Seesh this is soo random..Last time erm..April 2006 and Next time would be May 2007.
21}Why this survey?
Because I AM BORED!
22}Parting words..
Erm..have a nice day and CROCS RULE!!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Teacher teacher
Kids are not cutie wootsy anymore. Not especially if they are in primary 3 and above. Tiny little pricks. I have to be thankful, I’ve been able to “handle” the brats that have been thrust at me.I must say though, that there are there erm..exceptional sweethearts who are just the most angelic students{or at least appear to be}
My poor little{ok not little} dog has been limping the past few days. My cousin called me mean for saying this but I’ll still say it anyway, it’s really cute to watch him limp.
I need to get that fatty to exercise more.
It’s one crazy weekend ahead..BUSY BUSY BUSY
Currently reading
Listening to Letter from America by Kua Ee Heok
Nothing like a good dose of local literature
My poor little{ok not little} dog has been limping the past few days. My cousin called me mean for saying this but I’ll still say it anyway, it’s really cute to watch him limp.
I need to get that fatty to exercise more.
It’s one crazy weekend ahead..BUSY BUSY BUSY
Currently reading
Listening to Letter from America by Kua Ee Heok
Nothing like a good dose of local literature
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
However,for practical purposes,in a hopelessly practical world....

“They all broke the rules. They all crossed into forbidden territory. They all tampered with the laws that lay down who should be loved and how. And how much. “
This is by far the best book I have read .Her writing style, choice of words and a lot more aspects of this book are flawless. I have a special attachment to this book for many reasons and I thoroughly enjoyed my foray into my “grandmother’s” land through this novel.
I always believed that a good book like many other things in life is held to very subjective opinions. As they say “One man’s meat another man’s poison”To read this book or not is completely up to your own discretion.
“It is rare to find a book that so effectively cuts through the clothes of nationality, caste and religion to reveal the bare bones of humanity. A sensational novel”
-Daily telegraph
The whole problem with media is that they tend to over sensationalise issues.
L”hey sha,you should watch the arena and observe a particular judge properly”
Me: ‘why would I want to do that?”
L:” One of them MIGHT actually be your future lecturer”
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Bling Bling and Bling Bang
I finally got to see Blood Diamond, thanks to my “bru”
Powerful movie I must say. Brilliant.
Watch it if you have the time. CNN will also be showing a special feature on conflict diamonds, which should be informative, interesting and watch-worthy.
Happy Birthday Shobi!
Friday, March 2, 2007
The one where i get dramatic..
I am still reeling from my celebratory mood but for the sake of my people who have asked me to blog about my day, I shall do it.
I hold the record in my class for not crying the whole 1.5 years in school. Yes as surprising as that sounds, I was always the one who ended up hugging crying mates and to a certain extent literally “lending” my shoulder to my girl friends. But I broke this record yesterday by crying like a baby except this time it was tears of joy. Yes,” tears of joy” was a phrase I often used in my essays in secondary school, I never understood or experienced what it really meant or felt like till yesterday. And you know what it is the BEST feeling ever!
I woke up last morning hoping I could freeze time like Hiro Nakamura.I refused to get out of bed and face what was about to be results that could potentially “shape” my life. Honestly, this was it. Either I made it or I didn’t. And I desperately hoped that my 1.5 years would not go to waste. I spent the whole morning worrying myself to the limit and thinking of all worst possible circumstances that could possibly result. The ride to school was the longest 15 minutes of my entire life and the walk into the hall was even worse. Every step forward made me think of taking 2 steps back. I met a few of my fellow mates and walked in with them.The first girl we came across ran out crying and we silently looked at each other and smiled. I had to break the silence and say my trademark phrase” Don’t worry. You’ll be fine” {I’ve been telling this to every classmate of mine, irony being I was equally worried}
So I finally reached the table that had A4 plastered on it with loads of juniors watching from the gallery,nosy students poking into your results even before you get it,teachers walking around ready to hug those who did well and console those who did not.One by one my classmates got their results and they walked away.Everyone did well,not just what they wanted.Then it was my turn and I went.My form teacher gave me her stoic look and handed me my folder.The minute I saw it ,I let out a little yelp and cried. “You deserve it, now go apply for uni”is what I got back. I swear that was the best feeling ever. It was just too overwhelming for me. The journey this far has been anything but easy and I am happy I did what I did.
I was looked down upon because I was a normal academic student.People saw me inferior to them.”Stupid” normal student in a “lousy” neighbourhood school is what someone ,a family member to be exact,once refered to me as.And I decided then,if there was anything I had to do was to not only prove myself but to prove in general that yes we take an extra year but give us a chance we will outshine you.Even certain teachers in secondary school told me to opt for a ploy diploma instead of a JC cert because chances of me scoring good grades will be low.In JC they told me that for those with the aggregate of 17 to 20,NUS will be out of reach.
What I want to say is simply, never write someone off. Some people start off strong and fall, like the family member who called me stupid, some people start off slow but catch up before you know it. Everyone is worth giving a chance and never never look down on anyone. It does not matter which school one ends up in. Raffles or Loyang ,Hwa Chong or Serangoon.We all have what it takes it’s just a matter of how bad we want it .Today I am proud to say I was in the Normal Academic stream,I am proud to say I was in Loyang, I am proud to say I made it in SR.All these places have given me more than any top class school could have ever given me.
A big shout out to all my teachers in sec sch ,my tutors in JC , Diana and Jennifer.
I honestly couldn’t have done it without my family and their support. My success is theirs as much as it is mine.
To all those who looked down on me, thank you. You pushed me and gave me reason to work myself.
p.s GOD thanks for sticking to our little agreement {winks..} I owe you big time.
Special mention to my mates for standing by me, and my sec school clique who have seen me through from the start.
I hold the record in my class for not crying the whole 1.5 years in school. Yes as surprising as that sounds, I was always the one who ended up hugging crying mates and to a certain extent literally “lending” my shoulder to my girl friends. But I broke this record yesterday by crying like a baby except this time it was tears of joy. Yes,” tears of joy” was a phrase I often used in my essays in secondary school, I never understood or experienced what it really meant or felt like till yesterday. And you know what it is the BEST feeling ever!
I woke up last morning hoping I could freeze time like Hiro Nakamura.I refused to get out of bed and face what was about to be results that could potentially “shape” my life. Honestly, this was it. Either I made it or I didn’t. And I desperately hoped that my 1.5 years would not go to waste. I spent the whole morning worrying myself to the limit and thinking of all worst possible circumstances that could possibly result. The ride to school was the longest 15 minutes of my entire life and the walk into the hall was even worse. Every step forward made me think of taking 2 steps back. I met a few of my fellow mates and walked in with them.The first girl we came across ran out crying and we silently looked at each other and smiled. I had to break the silence and say my trademark phrase” Don’t worry. You’ll be fine” {I’ve been telling this to every classmate of mine, irony being I was equally worried}
So I finally reached the table that had A4 plastered on it with loads of juniors watching from the gallery,nosy students poking into your results even before you get it,teachers walking around ready to hug those who did well and console those who did not.One by one my classmates got their results and they walked away.Everyone did well,not just what they wanted.Then it was my turn and I went.My form teacher gave me her stoic look and handed me my folder.The minute I saw it ,I let out a little yelp and cried. “You deserve it, now go apply for uni”is what I got back. I swear that was the best feeling ever. It was just too overwhelming for me. The journey this far has been anything but easy and I am happy I did what I did.
I was looked down upon because I was a normal academic student.People saw me inferior to them.”Stupid” normal student in a “lousy” neighbourhood school is what someone ,a family member to be exact,once refered to me as.And I decided then,if there was anything I had to do was to not only prove myself but to prove in general that yes we take an extra year but give us a chance we will outshine you.Even certain teachers in secondary school told me to opt for a ploy diploma instead of a JC cert because chances of me scoring good grades will be low.In JC they told me that for those with the aggregate of 17 to 20,NUS will be out of reach.
What I want to say is simply, never write someone off. Some people start off strong and fall, like the family member who called me stupid, some people start off slow but catch up before you know it. Everyone is worth giving a chance and never never look down on anyone. It does not matter which school one ends up in. Raffles or Loyang ,Hwa Chong or Serangoon.We all have what it takes it’s just a matter of how bad we want it .Today I am proud to say I was in the Normal Academic stream,I am proud to say I was in Loyang, I am proud to say I made it in SR.All these places have given me more than any top class school could have ever given me.
A big shout out to all my teachers in sec sch ,my tutors in JC , Diana and Jennifer.
I honestly couldn’t have done it without my family and their support. My success is theirs as much as it is mine.
To all those who looked down on me, thank you. You pushed me and gave me reason to work myself.
p.s GOD thanks for sticking to our little agreement {winks..} I owe you big time.
Special mention to my mates for standing by me, and my sec school clique who have seen me through from the start.
Whoopiee do daa
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