Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I see it feelingly

I love my dance girls. They are the best bunch of people to hang out with and we had a blast of a time yesterday. For once we really had the time and privilege to talk about things other than choreography and body aches. I look forward to next 3 days only because I know how fun it’s gonna get {smiles }A bunch of sari clad girls can cause more damage than you think{**winks**}

Speaking of dance, there’s been a lot of misapprehension over what really fusion and contemporary means.

Fusion is defined as
1. the act or process of fusing; the state of being fused.
2. that which is fused; the result of fusing: A ballet production is the fusion of many talents.

While contemporary is defined as
existing, occurring, or living at the same time; belonging to the same time: Newton's discovery of the calculus was contemporary with that of Leibniz.
2. of about the same age or date: a Georgian table with a contemporary wig stand.
3. of the present time; modern: a lecture on the contemporary novel.

There, now can people stop blindly using words especially when it comes to dance.

I just read in the papers that Amitabh Bachan will be playing Lear.
My reaction to be exact was ”NOOOOOOOOOOO”
Dad: ”what happened?”
Me: ”Amitabh bachan is going to play Lear”
Dad :”...and he’ll do a great job, he pulled off Black, playing a sad old man should be no problem”
Me:” First of all, I don’t think sad is a word you want to use to describe Lear and secondly Lear is too good a play to mess around with, you just cannot afford to Bollyify it. Thirdly, even if he plays Lear, who’s going to be Cordelia or Edgar or even Goneril? You cant have just anyone play those parts..”
Dad:” you leave that kind of brainstorming to the casting directors. Now just finish your breakfast.”

Out of all the lit texts I’ve done, I am extremely protective of Lear. It’s the most simple yet extremely complex text in nature. Every lit student’s best dream and worst nightmare in one play. It’s one heck of an emotional and intellectual rollercoaster ride too.

A:”There’s a reason to why I asked you to come volunteer. There’s more to be being a good dancer than just doing your item to perfection on stage and walking off .This is something you have to learn by yourself.”

How true..I am starting to see what she means.


Nashima said...

What????? Big B is playing Lear!! I roughly imgained how it is going to be like & I too will say a BIG NOOOOO!

laa dee da said...

Harlow Nasu

I got nothing against Mr Bachan playing lear.Come to think of it,he's the only Indian actor best suited for Lear.I just don't want to see it all "masalafied".Then again,Omkara wasnt too bad..well i guess we'll just have to wait and see.It might actually be good..

c u arnd..

special mention to my "pkharins"{winks}
we've got arts have you???
miss u alot alot

Nashima said...

I don't want to see Big B die in the film...[Sob..Sob...]

U are right...I don't think there can be any other actor to play the role!!