So I have finished reading Listening to Letter from America by Kua Ee Hock and I thought the book was not too bad. It’s not bestseller material neither is it any where near P- Jeyaretnam’s literary standard but it’s a good read and I appreciate the book.
Honestly , I fear old age more than death. The whole idea of not being able to do what you used to do, visiting the doctor every other month, swallowing pills of every colour and every size is a very daunting thought for me. I mean of course not all old people end up like that. I have a grandaunt who is 91 this year, eats everything she wants with no restrictions and heck she even kicks my brother and my butt at scrabble {GOD bless her}
I think my greatest worry about growing old would have to be the fear of being lost and the feeling of being lonely. You look at the way technology is advancing, keeping up with it now itself is a major headache for us. Then there’s the whole issue of being resistant and reluctant to change. I was talking about this to a mate who dismissed everything I said. Apparently I am too young to be thinking about this and I think I agree with him. Anyways, Vasantam Central is airing a programme very appropriately titled Marantha Kathai{ translated:Forgotten stories}From the looks of the trailer I think it basically pays homage to our senior citizens who have also been responsible for shaping our nation in more ways than one. Yes I do watch vasantham and I am not ashamed to admit it unlike certain people who say they” don’t watch local programmes especially the Indian ones” I actually think local Indian drama productions are improving. At least you don’t see drug addicts, anjadi kuppehs and wailing overdramatic family members anymore..
I have too many things this month.
I just read TODAY ,SRT might be staging King Lear. It's time for an all "lity" outing again..Must go must go..
Happy birthday Vignesh! 14 already?!. Oh how I miss the cute little thumb sucking annoying prick.{smiles..}
Its off to SIA sports club tomorrow. I love swimming.
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